
Monday, June 24, 2019

Polar ice cap article.

This term we have been learning how we can stop climate change. We have been reading article about  the polar ice caps are melting and animals homes are being destroyed this made me really sad. I like animals a lot and when I hear they are dying because of us I think maybe If the humans turned into the animals for a day then we would see how it is like to have you r homes destroyed.     

For reading this week my group read this article:What Is a Polar Ice Cap?

The new ideas I have now I’ve read this text are:
1.Give everybody free solar panels.
2.Try walking or biking to school.
3.Turn of a light when your not in the room.
4.Stop buying plastic
5.Pick up rubbish
6.Get a compost bin
7.Stop greenhouse gasses.
8.Take the bus and don’t talk a car.

I now better understand what polar Ice caps are and that I we don’t stop doing what we are doing now then the Earth will die and we will die.

How would you feel if you were a animal at this time?

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Speech on Climate Change

Speech on Climate Change

We need to stop climate change because you are leaving my generation to clean it up after you. We might not even make one more day, so we need to stop right now. We can stop it by not cutting down trees because we need trees to live and they also do much more. We can stop using fuel cars. You could make electric cars the same price as fuel cars.
Do you want the world to be a disgrace? 

We need to stop right now. If we want to live then we need to stop right now. Our earth depends on us. We could stop using factories which would stop some of the polushin. If the earth died then we would died to. we would have no home. We only have one earth and we only have one life and in your life you would not want to be the generation that polluted the earth. We need to stop now. If you think as you were the earth what would you think right now.  

At home there are many ways we can stop climate change. we can stop using plastic. We could put our compost in the compost bin and not put it in the red bin because that goes to landfill. What we have all ready done is that some shops stopped using plastic bags and people have started making electric cars instead of fuel cars and when you build a house you are not allowed to have a fire.This does not mean we can stop trying to stop climate change. We need to stop right now.  

You say to your family that you love them so much but then you are killing their future. We all need to stop polluting our world because we want a better world to live in. Now and in the future.