Hello and welcome to my blog today I'll be showing you my meth week 5. This took me awhile to do it but I figured it out. Here is the link to it to listen to my recordings of how I figured it out.

What did you do this week for math?
Kia ora, I am a student at St Francis of Assisi School, Welcome - Haere Mai. I am in Year 6 and my teacher is Ms Carney. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Hello and welcome to my blog today I'll be showing you my meth week 5. This took me awhile to do it but I figured it out. Here is the link to it to listen to my recordings of how I figured it out.
What did you do this week for math?
Hello and welcome back to my blog today I will be showing and telling you about a few things including battery charge, my reading create and more. First I will talk about Sophie Pascoe. The reason I am talking about Sophie Pascoe is because we had to find a person that has shown Grit. I think Sophie Pascoe has shown grit is because when she was a little kid she was in a lawn mower accident and that is how she lost her leg. She showed Grit because she had a hard time training to be swimmer but look at her now she is in the paralympics. Being in the paralympics is very special because everyone that is there has been through a lot.That is how Sophie Pascoe shows Grit. For my reading create I made an animation Here is the Link I hope you like it. In the animation there is a girl that is sad her battery charge is low which means it is in the red zone. When the other girl talked to her she got a little bit better so she was feeling alright but not 100% so she was in the yellow zone. When the girl said the she would help her train she got happy and went into the green Zone. Every day you can change what Zone you are in or you can even change your Zone in 5 min it just depends on how you feel. Here is what you do if you are in the red Zone. You could talk to someone, You could take 10 deep breaths, You could ask an adult for help and more. Here is what you do if you are in the yellow Zone Go talk to a friend, Get some fresh, Think about others that are in a much worse situation than you and more. Here is what you do if you are in the green Zone Go and help someone to get into the green zone, Go and say something kind to someone or compliment someone. Here is a quote I found about Grit. Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future day in and day out. Not just for a week not just for a month but for years. And working really hard to make the future reality. Grit is living life like a marathon not a sprint. - Angela Duckworth. Thank you for Reading my blog.
How do you show Grit?
Hello and welcome back to my blog today I will be showing you my screencastify of my prestion of the science of happiness. Here is the link I hope you like it. Link to the science of happiness. For this I created a Wevideo to present what I have done. In my preston I have included something called DOSE you will learn about that if you click on the video link.
What makes you Happy?
Hello and welcome back to my blog today I will be showing you my reading for this week. It was peace week this week so we had to choose a sign that means peace to us. After we had to put things in our peace sign that gave us peace our help us to relax. Here is my peace sign I hope you like it.
Thank you for reading my blog.Should students get paid to go to school
Hello and welcome back to my blog today I will be debating the topic Should students get paid to go to school? I hope you like it.
Should students get paid to go to school?
No matter how much I would want to get paid to go to school I think that students shouldn't get paid to go to school. If you think about it, why on earth would students get paid to have a good education?
I Disagree that students should get paid to go to school because all we do is learn and it is not like we are doing chores to get money. What if the school went on a school trip normally the parents of the kid would have to pay to go there but if students got paid to go to school what would be the point in even paying.
Secondly I think that students shouldn’t get paid because if the government pays them then the teachers would probably get less money because the government pays them. If students got paid then teachers would probably feel that it is not fair because they are getting paid for teaching them and kids are doing nothing but listening to them.
Lastly I think that even if the kids got paid only a little bit of money like $1 then that would be over $350 every time they pay the students. If the students did get paid then they might want to come to school more and not dread coming but let's be real there is no way in a million years that students will get paid to go to school.
Do you think students should get paid to go to school?