
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Maths! Maths and more Maths!

I really enjoy Maths. We have bean doing Maths boards. Here is a  photo of my Maths board.
Through the year I have become more confident with my Maths. My Dad taught me how to do decimal points. I have been through all my teachers and right now I am with Miss Parker. I like the Maths follow up. Last year the children in year 5 that are now year 6 said Maths was really hard. I do not think It is hard. I think Maths is really easy. But some times it can get a little bit hard. I use to hate Maths but now I enjoy it. When I was in year 2 I found it really hard. I did not want to learn it. Over the year I got more stronger with Maths and now I think I am really good at it. I think I became good at Maths by putting my mind to it and trying new things.

If you think you are no good at anything just have a go and put your mind to it! 
How do you feel about Maths?

Thursday, July 25, 2019


This term for our PBL were are learning about INNOVATION. We are doing this because we want some background knowledge about INNOVATION.

INNOVATION is something you create. It could be bad it could be good. For example a phone is a INNOVATION, because once you could not talk on one you had to talk in person.

We have been to different classes and we have been making boat, cars and surveillance planes.
For the boats all we could use was tin foil tape paper and plastic cups. We put them in water and who's  ever's boat could hold the marbles most would win. My team came 3. Our boat held 33 Marbles.

What will your INNOVATION be?