I really enjoy Maths. We have bean doing Maths boards. Here is a photo of my Maths board.
Through the year I have become more confident with my Maths. My Dad taught me how to do decimal points. I have been through all my teachers and right now I am with Miss Parker. I like the Maths follow up. Last year the children in year 5 that are now year 6 said Maths was really hard. I do not think It is hard. I think Maths is really easy. But some times it can get a little bit hard. I use to hate Maths but now I enjoy it. When I was in year 2 I found it really hard. I did not want to learn it. Over the year I got more stronger with Maths and now I think I am really good at it. I think I became good at Maths by putting my mind to it and trying new things.
If you think you are no good at anything just have a go and put your mind to it!
How do you feel about Maths?
How do you feel about Maths?