
Friday, March 13, 2020

3 things that are important to me

Three thing that are important to me are family, sport and God.
The reason that my family is important to me are that they care for me. They look after me. I would not know what to do without them and I love them so much.

The reason I chose sport is because it helps me get healthier. I love sport because it is fun to play. My favourite sport is Net-ball. 

I chose God because he helps my family and everyone who has faith in him. I go to church every Sunday. God has helped me a lot.

Thank-you for reading.

About me / family

My name is Molly Florence MacKay. My Dad is from Perth in Western Australia. My Mum is from  Cromwell in a Otago. My 2 brothers and I were born in Christchurch. I am the oldest.

The things that are important to us are family, sport, food, traveling and going to church.
The things that are important to me are netball, sports, family, traveling, Flossy ( she is my teddy), Australia and New Zealand. I speak English. I have a mixed accent because my dad is from Australia.

Food is important to us because we like to eat it. The food that we like to eat are pizza, hot chips, fruit, vegetables and burgers. We also like BBQ's,. The sports I play and enjoy are netball, swimming, cricket and touch rugby. I have been to Bali, Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia and Singapore. I like traveling to warm places because I can swim in the pools. I am an alter sever at church. An alter sever is a young person who helps the priest during mass. One of the good things about going to church is that we have Easter and Christmas. I really enjoy being an Australian and a New Zealander.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my culture.

25 years old

I am 10 years old. (I am turning 11 this year) In 15 years I turn 25.
This is how I figured out answer.

10 - 25 = 15
15 + 10 = 25

When I turn 11 it will be 14 years away.
15 - 1 = 14

Thank-you for reading.

My Dream Name

If I could chose my name I would chose Astrid. Because I read I book About this girl and she was called Astrid. The book really inspired me it was basically about never giving up. When I read what I had to do I did not know what was my dream name but than I thought of the book I was reading last night and I thought Astrid was a really cool name. I had read the book About 3 time that is how much I like it. The book was called roller girl. I really like roller skating. I want to do roller derby now. That would be my dream name.

What would you dream name be?

3 things I like to do

I love to play net-ball. Here is a photo of me shooting in my hoop.

Another thing I like to do is go bike ridding.

I also like playing on my penny board. Here is a photo of me on my penny board.

Thank-you for reading.


Letter to Jacinda Ardern

Dear Jacinda Ardern

Hello my name is Molly.

I would for you to consider my ideas about improving the terrible drowning toll in New Zealand. Just recently in January there has been 10 drownings.
I think that swimming lessons should be free. Say that swimming lessons were to expensive and your mum and dad needed that money for food and fuel. Then one day after years of saving money you went on a boat and you did't know how to swim and the boat sunk. Then that would be bad. Luckily my parents can afford swimming lessons but other people can't. I really think that you should think about that.

Sincerely - Molly

Molly's Jolly Jars

This term, our Project Based Learning (PBL) started with the teachers putting us into groups. In these groups we had to work collaboratively to create Jolly Jars for the school fair. This task helped us to begin exploring our PBL question for the term - How can we build community through our actions? We had to research ideas, be creative with our product, experiment with our materials and write instructions that could be followed by others.

Here is a link to my instructions.

I learnt that instructions need to have a verb at the start. ( which is a doing word )
The instructions need to be clear so that others can understand them.

Reflection on PBL:
For our Jolly Jars, my group chose slime. How we came up with this Idea was Because we wanted to do something that is fun to play with. Slime is easy to make. I thought  writing the instructions would be easy but it wasn't.

I contributed to my group by decorating the jars. I also helped come up with the Idea. I also helped by testing the slime. I put the stuff into the containers and ziploc bags.

Our Jolly Jar was creative because we glued the tissue paper on the outside of the jar. We painted the top of the jar and glued some stuff on the top of it. We also put some pom poms on one.  On one of them we glued pink tissue paper on the jar but then we thought that we should put some blue on it. So we put some blue tissue paper over top. ( it looked really cool )

What I learned about working with others was that it is hard to work with different people. In the end you get the job done. They can agree and disagree but most of the time they agree.

We built community through our actions by raising money to help create the bike track for people to have fun on!!!!!

Here is a photo of my group.
Thank you for reading.