
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Diary about gravity part 2

Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to post diary about gravity part 2! hope you enjoy.


I could not could not count all of the rainbows ( as in animals ) . There were heeps. I am making
one big house for them but I will need to make more. They are about the size of a bunnie and
they have fur. They look like a bunnie except they can walk even with gravity. They look like a
bunch of paint has been splattered on top of them. If you want to know the reason why we are
living on mars. It is because my dad and mum are scientists and we had to live here. We are
staying here all of my life so I have to get used to it. 


Today my mum home schooled me. The reason why she did it on Saturday is because she and dad
have to work all week so that means that I get schooled on the weekend. Nothing Much more to
report. Well I did go on a walk last night to go into the jungle because there are no roads to put
your house on. So we live outside the jungle. There are beaches but no waves. My dad today
figured out that the stuff on mars that was originally here does not float up but since humans are
from earth we do flote up. 


Today my dad home schooled me because my mum home schooled me yesterday. 
I did some more work on the house for the animals. It looks great. I painted it rainbow.
It is nearly finished. I just need to do a little more work on it and it will be done.
I need to figure out what they eat and drink. 

If you would like to read more stay tuned for part 3!

Book about Flamingos

For PBL we had to make a book for our little buddies. My buddies name is Stella. We had to write about there favourite animal. Stella chose a Flamingo. I had to write a 5 year old friendly information report about Flamingos. By 5 year old friendly I mean lots of color, big words and lots of pink! I put some activities in at of the book that she can do. I also put a little quiz about the book to see how much she learned.  We made a digital book on book creator. He is my book cover I think it is very 5 year old girl friendly.
In the book I put in what it eats, why they are pink, and much more. I put a lot of pink in the book because if I was a 5 year old girl and I saw a book that was black and white with lots of words I would not want to read it. 

I find book creator really good if you want to make someone a book. If you want it on paper then you could just print it. Book creator is an amazing app. I hope you enjoyed this blog. Blog you later! 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Facts about Neil Diamond

Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today I and going to tell you some amazing facts about.... Neil Diamond. You would probably know that all ready because you read the title. Anyway let get to it!
But wait first if you do not know who he is then I will tell you. He is a singer. He dose not any more concerts because he is retired.

He has sold over 100 million records world wide, Making him one of the best selling musicians of all time. 

Neil Diamond has made a lot of songs. Listed below are some.

Sweet Caroline
First Time
Melody road
Something Blue 

Fun Facts about Neil Diamond

Medicine was his first passion
He loves to write about love
He has 4 children
His birthday is the 24 of January
He is 79
He was born in 1941
He is an American,songwriter and singer

I hope you enjoyed reading about Neil diamond.
Who is your fav singer?

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Left behind ( oh no )

Hello and welcome back to my blogs. I have made a story. I really hope you like it.

Left behind
Dear Diary we are at home and about to go to the airport. My family and I are going camping. We have to fly there. Because my parents are too lazy to drive. I mean that is fine with me. I would rather stick my head in the dump because my family hates me. It is just because I am a girl and I have brown hair. My 3 brothers get whatever they want. It is not fair. My mum and dad make me do house work and my brothers and parents go out for dinner when I am working . They can’t even remember my birthday!    

Well the time is 4.30pm and we are  flying 450km. When we got to the airport My brothers asked if they could have Maccas. Of course my mum said yes. She told me to pay for it and gave me her wallet, even though I was not getting anything. I ordered what they wanted but then I added a couple of things myself I got pancakes and a lemonade. I gave them their stuff and went to the bathroom to eat my pancakes because if they saw me they would confiscate my food and tell me I need to eat healthy. 

I looked at the time and it was time to go on the plane. We raced up to the lady at the desk and she said it just left. We raced outside and there was a little plane my dad did not know how to drive planes but he did it. The whole way there is said to them that we are going to get in trouble. We got to the airport and snuck away. 

We hired a car and drove to our camping site. I had to sleep outside because there was not enough room in the tent. But luckily I was prepared for this. I had a one person tent and I set it up.

In the morning nobody was there. I checked the time and it was 11am. I can’t believe nobody told me to wake up. I said to myself I think that they forgot me! I was dancing with Joy. I never gave my mum her wallet back so that means I won't die of hunger. I was left Behind! We all got what we wanted I thought.

I Hope you liked it!
Can you give me your feedback?

Friday, June 5, 2020

How to write a good email

Hello and Welcome back to my blog. I have made a digital poster about how to write a good email. I hope you like it.

 Did you like my blog?

Diary about gravity

Hey guys welcome back to my blog . I have made a really cool story about gravity. It is not real but it is still cool. I hope you like it.

Diary about Gravity


I have found it a little challenging Living on Mars. I mean there is water and stuff but it is just not the same there are no people here and the most thing that is different is the gravity. There is no gravity here. It is Fun Getting out of the house because It is like you are swimming in the air.We are working on our house. It is really hard because of the gravity. Mars Has jungles and water and food. It is basically the same as earth.


My dad invented these shoes and If you were them then you would be able to walk normal and not fly. Do you know on Mars you can actually control gravity.  you can’t walk on it but you can control how High you fly.


I went exploring today and I found this really cool new creature. It was little but they provided milk. I asked my dad and mum if we could keep it as a pet. He said we need to leave it out in the wild. But then he said that I could get some wood and make them a house. I thought that Idea was grate idea.


Today I started to make them a little house. There were a lot of them. Then I thought of a great Idea.... I could give that random species a name. I think I am going to call them Rainbows because they are really colorful.

If you want to read more keep reading my blogs. I will make more.
Maybe you could make up a story like mine?