
Thursday, May 28, 2020


For math we had to show our new learning. Here is what I learned.
what you need to work this out is you need a 3 x 3 table or a 2 x 3 however many digits your numbers are. You x the 200 by 50 and put in the answer in the box below. Then x 200 by 5 then put the answer below the one you just put the other answer in.  Then do that with the other digits of the number 223 that you got the 200 from. 

I hope you liked this blog.
Maybe you could write a blog about math so that other people can learn new strategies?

How to write a quality blog post.

Hi everyone welcome to my blog. Today we are going to talk about How to write a quality blog post.

For a quality blog post you need to have paragraphs. 

Stop Hold on you need 3 - 5 sentences in each one. They have to be proper sentences. With full stops, capital letters, speech marks, apostrophes etc etc. 

You also need to make sure that your spelling is correct. 
You have to read over it a couple of times. Another thing is that it needs to be readable. You have to have a font that is readable. For example Arial is an easy font to read. The font that I am using now is readable. 

You need to proofread and edit your blog.
You need to make sure your spelling is correct and that you have full stops. You also need to cheek if you have capital letters at the start of each sentence and when you write I you need a capital letter. If your blog is boring then put some pizazz in it. 

I hope that you lent how to make a quality blog post. 
What did you learn?  


How to write a quality comment

How to write a quality comment.

What you need to do to write a quality comment is...
You need to focus on the things that you like about there post. Then give them some tips on how to make it better. Don't say That is bad you need to do this and you need to do that. Just be kind and give them some tips.

You have to make sure that your spelling is correct.   
You have to proofread and edit you comment. Make sure that you don't put you personal info in your comment ( or blog ) Because everyone can see your comment.

I hope that you learnt something new.
Maybe you could go and comment on someones blog?   

Do you love Ice Cream

Do you love Ice Cream? How about the waffle cones? In this post I made up an Ice cream . I got inspired by this ↓
 Donut Ice Cream Sandwiches Recipe | Ree Drummond | Food Network
I think that it is a doughnut burger with Ice Cream in the middle. Without a cone and I love the cone so I made this drawing.
This is basically the same but with a cone.

Maybe you could make up a new Ice Cream flavour?

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Avatar

For school we had to make a Avatar of our self. If you don't know what an Avatar is I will tell you. It is basically tracing over a photo on google drawings or on paper. Here is my Avatar I hope you like it. 
Can you spot the difference?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Letter to my future self!

Tuesday may 19th
4 Norah street Prestons NZ CHCH  

Hi future self You might remember me writing this to you . Well we had to write about covid 19. We were stuck at home for 7 weeks. Remember how I did all that baking. Do I still love baking? Am I a silver fern?  We did online school. My teacher for everything was Mrs Finlayson. I am now in level 2. Remember how you would go to the skate park while mum and dad were having social distances drinks. School has been very strange. You are only allowed 3 at one table. Who are my friends now? 

Am I a good skateboarder?  I was playing with D then If you don’t remember her then she is Dakota. You probably went to high school with her at Marion, By the way did Elsha go to Marion? I am still cool?😎 Was I ever cool? Bye.  

PS: Can you also make a time machine if you can and come and see me. BYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Mary report

Mary is the daughter of Anne and Joachim. Mary is the wife of Joseph but most importantly the Mother of Jesus. Mary grew up in Nazareth as an ordinary girl and she was dedicated to God and to loving and helping others.

The Annunciation
The Annunciation is when  Angel Gaberial came down to Mary and told her that she had been chosen to be the Mother of  God’s  son, a baby boy named Jesus. Mary was surprised and a bit scared but she knew that she wanted to please God and that he had a plan for her so she willingly accepted this special thing that had been asked of her. The Angel also told her that she would marry Joseph.

The visitation
The visitation is when Mary, upon learning she was pregnant with the baby Jesus,  goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth in the city of Judah. She was pregnant too with a baby called John the Baptist.  Catholics believe that the purpose of the visit was to bring divine grace to both Elizabeth and her unborn child. Mary’s baby leapt with joy in Elizabeth’s womb upon Mary’s arrival.

The Birth of Jesus
This when Mary has Jesus. They could not find a place to stay and have the baby. So they had to spend the night in a stable after being turned away several times . Jesus was born in a manger. We celebrate this day as Christians on December 25th each year and it is known as Christmas.

The presentation of Jesus at the temple
This is where Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple and showed him to the Priest. There was this person there that was promised by God that he would meet the saviour ( That is Jesus) . This event occurs 40 days after the birth of Jesus

Jesus found in the temple
When Jesus was 12 he got lost and his parents could not find him. They asked and searched for a long time. Finally on the third day  they found him at the temple. Mary said to Jesus “Where were you?  We have searched everywhere.” Then Jesus asked “why were you searching for me? I was in my father's house the whole time.” Mary and Joseph were relieved. 

The marriage at Cana
At a wedding ceremony Jesus was at, they had run out of wine and then Mary said to them listen to Jesus and he will help you. Then Jesus said it is not time for me to make my first miracle. Jesus did it anyway. He said to the people fill those 6 jars up with water, then take a cup of water from the jars and give it to your master.  When they did this, they saw wine instead of water.  The servants were amazed. 

Mary at the cross
When Jesus was dying Mary was at the cross. They made Jesus carry the cross. It made Mary really sad to see her son suffering and like any mother, she found this so hard. But she knew she would see her son again soon.

This is when the holy spirit comes down to the disciples. Flames appear on their heads and that is the sign they received so  they knew that the holy spirit had come. They could now talk in different  languages and can tell people about God.

Timeline of Mary

Here is the timeline I made I hope you like it.

What did you learn new?

Australia Day!!

Australia Day
Australia Day is on January the 26th. It is Australia National day. It marks the arrival of the first fleet of British ships at Sydney cove. 

From January the 26th 1926 it was called Australia Day in all states and territories. It is a day to think about how much people love Australia and all the people that live in Australia to come together and praise. 

In different parts of Australia people celebrate it differently. For example Sydney has boat races including fairy races and tall boat races. Adelaide celebrates with fireworks, Parade, concert and a  cricket match. Australian citizenship ceremonies are usually held on Australia Day.

They have a lot of decorations for their country's day. In Australia if you go into the mall it will be crazy with decorations for Australia Day. The decorations are based on their flag. Their flag has the Southern cross on it. It is similar to the New Zealand flag. Except it has white stars and it has one extra star. That extra star is for the states and territories.

My family sometimes goes to Australia to celebrate Australia day with my family in Australia. If we cannot go to Australia then we will celebrate it in New Zealand. 

Did you learn something new?

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Turkey

For school I had to do a summery about Turkeys. Here is my work.

Turkeys are native to North America. Turkeys are omnivores and eat things like seeds and Lizards. Turkeys are not very good flyers but their legs are strong and they can run up to
30 km per hour. They have great eyesight during the day but at night it is not so good. Only about half the eggs make it to hatching and only 30% of the young turkeys survive. To ensure that some turkeys make it through adulthood the mother lays about 9 to 12 eggs sometimes it can be as many as 18. She sits on them for a month. During mating season the male turkey impresses the female turkey by puffing up his body, fluffing his feathers and spreading his tail in a semi circle fan shape. He also makes the gobble gobble sound. Believe it or not it works. In the past people caught Turkeys for food and their feathers. Some people think of turkeys as starvation food.   

What did you learn?