
Sunday, December 29, 2019


The SPCA is the only charity with legal powers to help animals in need. They have helped 40,000 animals. They have desexed and microchipped 29,600 animals. Desexed means that something from their body has been removed. Microchipped is when there is a chip that is going in there body and it has there owner details. SPCA helps protect over 40,000 animals in New Zealand every year. If you are thinking of helping the SPCA,  listed below are some things that you can do to help.

  • volunteer
  • fundraise
  • involve your company
  • join our team  

I you want to donate than all you have to do is go to this link SPCA
I hope you enjoyed reading. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The invitation to go in a Waka

This is Nainoa's waka and I have been invited to go on it. I had to pack 10 food items that would last me 3 weeks. Listed below here are the food items that I brought.   
  1. tinned fruit
  2. carrots
  3. apples
  4. Weet-Bix
  5. tomatoes
  6. oranges
  7. mandarins
  8. capsicum
  9. gherkins
  10. tinned tuna

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Twas The Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
 Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
Then I woke up and I saw a bright light through my window 
I went too look I assumed that it was Rudolph’s  bright nose
but then I heard something and freaked out but then I realized that I would alright
I just Santa I thought In head 
Then I went to look…
Then I heard the sound of reindeer sipping something In the night 
Then I went up and I saw they were sipping sprite 
The lead of the sprite made Santa go down the chimney
I did not want him to see me out of bed but I was too late…
 He saw me that annoying gate 
If that Gate was not there than I could be I bed safe and sleeping
Now Santa will think I am a creep
But then I realised that he winked and waved goodbye
He was not angry at me so I said Aye Aye   

Thursday, December 5, 2019

My drawings on sketchpad

I have been drawing on sketchpad I hope you like My Drawings!

I made this drawings for PBL.

This one is my favourite so far that I have drawn!
This looks really pretty!

Do you like them?

Top team

Last Friday we were lucky enough that we could do Top Team. What Top Team is it is when there are lots of activity's and there are some that involved water. You also have to verse against other teams. There were knots and crosses and other fun games. My Favourite one with the beanbags. How you play is there is a sling shot and what you have to do is put the bean bag in and then you would sling shot and if someone in your team caught it then your team would win. My team tied. The thing I did not enjoy the most was the fact that My team had to do the water activities first. Then when we had to do the dry activities wet. I had an amazing day.

Have you been in Top Team?


This year for Christmas I am going down to Cromwell and last Christmas I had heaps of fun. Last Christmas we could not find the peasants that Santa got us but then when we looked in the room that we were staying in they were by our bed. We stayed at my Aunties house witch was on the same street as my Nana and Grandads and my other Auntie's house. This year for Christmas I have made cards for everyone in my family. They have little chocolates on them. What I think Christmas is about is speeding time with my family and giving ( I like opening my peasants too but not the main reason ) When I give the peasant after I feel really happy and I like seeing them Smile. I reckon that this years Christmas is going to be really fun.

What do you enjoy the most about Christmas? 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Who am I

Who am I 
I have 5 people in my family. 
I am 10 years old and I am year 5.
I love to play netball and do all sports.
I love watching my mum play netball. I love to go bike riding with my dad.
My eye color is brown and my hair color is goldish.  
My birthday is in August. 
I like to sing.  
I have a big extended family. 
My Nana used to be a teacher.
My Grandads name is Bill I Think it is short for William. 
My Aunty had a bunny called Harvey but then he died. 
Now my Aunty has a new bunny.
My Nana , My Aunty Julie and  my Grandad live in one house on the same street next door to them lives my Aunty Kate Ben and my 2 cousins Lucy and Charlotte and on the same street one house away from my Nanas lives My Aunty the one with the bunnies.